Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Tenor and Cinderella!

Well If you like a good quality modern Opera, you enjoy Italian cuisine and good company you need to join us on the 9th October at the Wedgwood Museum.

I would like to tell you a little story about a chef and an office girl (naming no names!) ;
It was an early autumn evening and said chef who was a member of the local 'Round Table' had been invited to the area Ball which was to be held at Stapley Water gardens. The Chef and the office girl had only been on a couple of dates and neither knew at that stage what the future would hold.
The office girl had not been to a ball before and was very excited so much fuss and attention was paid to choosing the right dress, the right shoes, the right curlers etc etc. The chef didn't have as much work to do - just a change from a white jacket to a black one and a neckerchief to a dicky bow.
The carriage arrived at 7.00 to collect the girl and together they sped across Staffordshire to the Ball. Neither was convinced that the venue would provide a Cinderella type atmosphere but romance was in the air and as the orchestra started (a local chap on a keyboard over dinner) and the lights dimmed it became an evening to remember and a meal that sparked mixed emotions. Much dancing around handbags and rugby talk at the bar followed and the guests were allowed the privilege of walking around the aquarium and the planted gardens. The beat of the music in the background could be heard faintly and as the young chef gazed into the eyes of the office girl over the indoor ferns her heart flipped and so a lasting love began...

So reel forward in time to the present and Peter and Sarah met with the staff at Wedgwood to plan some special themed evenings. The first of these has been planned meticulously to offer loyal customers and those who would like a rather special evening of their own, the opportunity of relaxed time to browse the galleries at the museum. To discover the culture and heritage of the finest china made in Stoke for over a hundred years. The opportunity of experiencing a fantastic meal cooked with fresh seasonal produce to reflect the theme of the evening and served on finest Wedgwood china in the best museum in England. Then to complete the evening musical entertainment that will leave you breathless and eager to do it all again at the next event...

So may be there are no fish and ferns at Wedgwood to flutter your eyelashes over at each other but we promise you a great evening of real tradition and culture and it will be special... and you never know where new relationships may flourish be they romantic or of a business nature!

To book your place on this evening not to be missed call The Wedgwood Museum on 01782 371913 or pop into the shop to pick up your personal invitation and booking form.

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